Home Business How Video Technology Affects the Recruiting Process

How Video Technology Affects the Recruiting Process

Video Technology

We cannot underestimate technology’s effect on our lives; it brings us together and eases many formerly complicated processes. It is an amazing thought that endless information, opinions, and content exist at the touch of our fingers. The Great Resignation presented a challenge regarding recruiting, and many businesses took to hiring remotely. Doing so required them to use video technology, which still plays a huge role in affecting the recruiting process.

Shows Personality

A successful online job application can certainly put you a head above the rest. However, a resume does not do much in terms of showing interested businesses your personality. Sometimes, a candidate may seem like a great fit on paper but may not actually be the best fit for the company.

Regardless of whether your job is remote or in person, personality plays a huge role in a new candidate’s ability to weave themself into the company culture seamlessly. Moreover, if the role requires high communication, then personality and communication styles might be fundamental for hiring.

Inherent Bias

A growing argument runs counter to the heralds of video technology—is it really as good as it seems? While it can show one’s personality, which is certainly important, it can also omit a group of excellent candidates. This exclusion occurs when recruiters rely too heavily on video technology, which welcomes our inherent biases—candidates might receive a job offer based solely on their likeability. When considering a candidate’s personality, we must also take a bird’s-eye view and account for their talents, work history, and skills.

Increases Efficiency

At this point, we know that video interview technology undoubtedly affects the recruitment process in dynamic ways. Video technology seriously increases a business’s efficiency. Candidates don’t have to spend hours on travel time, which racks up sooner than many of us realize.

What’s more, it gives you everything that a phone and in-person interview provide, so you don’t have to do one or the other. Finally, it also mitigates the possibility of any scheduling conflicts or last-minute changes, making it easier for everyone involved.

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