Home Global Good Community Service Ideas You Can Do With Your Students
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Community Service Ideas You Can Do With Your Students

Community Service

Giving back to the community is one of the most honorable things we can teach students. It informs them about responsibility, compassion, and tolerance. They need all these lessons to be contributing members of society. Check out these community service ideas you can do with your students.

Host a Bike Marathon

Get up and get active! Encourage your students to organize a bike marathon and invite members of the community to sign up and participate. Participants offer up a donation, and the proceeds will go to a charity that you all decided on.

This is an exciting option because it encourages exercise, and your students get a chance to have fun with their friends while giving back. Start planning the marathon months in advance because you’ll need to obtain permits and develop a decent following for a successful outcome.

Plan a Community Clean-Up

Unfortunately, litter is everywhere. Sometimes, people don’t care to find a trash can to dispose of their garbage. However, there is always something to do to rectify this issue. You can organize a community clean-up with your students; the best location might be a local park.

Make sure it’s a sizeable park so there is plenty of work to go around. Arm your students with vests and trash bags. Consider renting out a sizable dumpster so your students have a place to store their trash bags once they fill up.  You can always plant a few native trees too.

Start a Coat Drive

The summer weather has been gorgeous so far, but fall and winter are approaching soon. Now is the perfect time to organize a coat drive before it gets too cold. Most households are going through old coats and deciding what they want to get rid of and replace.

Start at the school and ask students and teachers to bring in old coats and other cold-weather clothing. Ask other members of the community to donate what they can so that you’ll have a sizable offering.

Organize Big Brothers and Sisters

Start a big brother and big sister program for the older kids. Everyone needs a mentor or role model to offer up a little bit of guidance. You’ll need to start by locating and connecting with a group of students who are accessible to mentoring.

You should plan a few mixers so everyone can get familiar with each other. It’s important to navigate and create great pairings. You want both parties to feel comfortable with each other.

Get your students involved and active with these community service ideas so they can become more worldly and well-rounded.

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