Home Business bistroMD delivers healthy food for patients

bistroMD delivers healthy food for patients

bistroMDA waiting-room conversation Dr. Caroline Cederquist’s husband had while he waited for his wife to finish up with her patients one day launched the company that would one day change the lives of thousands of people.

Dr. Cederquist had created a very successful weight loss program that the patients loved, but many weren’t always able to follow it because they simply didn’t have the time.  “The program is great but why can’t someone do the shopping, cooking and cleaning?” the patients complained. “I want someone to make the food for me.”

That’s when Ed Cederquist had a thought: What if we could deliver food to these patients that fits the doctor’s nutritional platform for metabolic correction?

When he shared his idea with his wife, Caroline saw its potential and how it could benefit her patients. The couple started bistroMD and would soon be known as the “Foodie & the M.D.”

“At first we worked with local chefs and then the business took off and grew into a national company,” says the Cederquists. “We never set out to deliver nationwide but there has been a need for our program and we’ve grown to fulfill that need and help people.”

BistroMD is a family-owned company that helps people transform their lives through healthy weight loss, and its founders say that their unique business is gaining acceptance in the marketplace because it was founded by a weight loss expert.

“Every meal is nutritionally balanced to contain the right balance of macronutrients to promote fat loss, and preserve muscle mass,” says a company spokesperson, adding that their food programs are managed by a staff of registered dietitians who offer free support to customers.

“No one else nutritionally balances their meals for healthy weight loss and to target fat.  No one else includes top quality ingredients for weight loss: lean adequate protein, complex (not simple) carbohydrates, and health fat ratios in every meal. Plus we provide a wide variety of dishes and the ability to customize your preferences.”

The company launched a new tool this year called mybistroMD, which allows users to customize their personal menu plan and program.

BistroMD was rated a top diet by Diets in Review for 2013, beating out competitors Diets-to-Go and Freshology.  More recently, bistroMD released a new gluten-free program for the thousands of people who suffer from gluten intolerance, whether they want to lose weight or not.

“This is huge for us,” the Cederquists say. “It’s great for weight loss and also for people who want the convenience of gluten free meals delivered to their home.”

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