Home Home and Living Delta Faucet Inspired Living In Your Kitchen
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Delta Faucet Inspired Living In Your Kitchen

Global Good Networks Co-Founder Josh Bois Reviews Delta Faucets

Love Your Kitchen and Live Inspired

When you are looking to remodel your kitchen or make some improvements you should really give some serious thought to your faucet. While you may think that the back-splash alone is the most important part of what type of stone you use for your island, you may want to consider being a bit more practical. Often times the item that gets used the most in your kitchen is your faucet and sink, not your oven or even your refrigerator. Every time you clean your hands for example, wash fruit, or even clean up after a meal you brought home instead of cooking… you are using your sink and faucet.
Below we have included a nice photo gallery of some of our favorite images we found online while researching Delta Faucet and the Touch20 technology. Countless gorgeous mansions all over the United States and the rest of the world have included these faucets in their kitchen so feel free to go on Google and check out some other photos around the net of how people have integrated these. Our dream kitchen has a nice island, some back-splash, nice appliances, and most importantly —  a touch faucet — Delta’s to be exact! 
We posted these pictures on our Pinterest as well so that you can follow along with our Global Good story and our future Delta posts. Soon we will be installing our new sponsored Delta faucet so you can see some pictures and videos of what we are talking about that we took ourselves. It truly is as good as they show in all of their promo videos and on Youtube, let us know your comments in the section below this post!

Touch20 Faucet Technology – Dreamy Features

I for example love to wash my hands routinely throughout the day to avoid germs and such.  One of the coolest things about these faucets that we want to highlight today is that they have a sort of touch technology where you can just tap the faucet and it turns it on. Rather than getting your sticky or dirty fingers all over the faucet you can just simply touch is almost anywhere and it turns on, and you can do the same thing to turn it off.
We really want to thank Delta for sponsoring us with a faucet that we can use this technology with, we really are big fans!

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Check out our inspired living gallery below:

Delta Touch2O Technology for your kitchen and bathroom is precisely in tune with your every touch. Take the quiz to learn which faucet style best describes you at deltafaucet.com
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.

ARTICLE BY: Josh Bois, Co-Founder Global Good Networks

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