Home Entertainment Tony Robbins Celebrated 60th Birthday with Concert Benefiting Victims of sex Trafficking

Tony Robbins Celebrated 60th Birthday with Concert Benefiting Victims of sex Trafficking

World renowned leadership coach, Tony Robbins, celebrated a momentous 60th birthday in January with a benefit concert to profit the Underground Railroad Organization – an organization built on the back of Tim Ballard as a platform for anti-human sex trafficking. Tony, himself, has a celebrated career around his lifelong mission to benefit organizations that end human suffering.

This benefit concert, hosted in the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, featured artists Leona Lewis, Pitbull, Melissa Etheridge, Andy Grammer, Derek Hough and the Cold War Kids. Tickets, while priced high between $5,000 and $125,000 were donated directly to the OUR organization. Every $1400 goes directly to assist in the rescue of one woman or child. No matter your contribution, every dollar matters.

Tim Ballard, Operation Underground Railroad founder, and former special agent, organized the event in honor of Sage and Tony. Because of their commitment to end slavery in the modern era they are now the catalysts to a fundraising event that may save thousands of lives.

Operation Underground Railroad launched in the year 2014. It has has assisted nearly 3,000 survivors as well as arresting 1,800 perpetrators of child sex trafficking worldwide.

Additionally, the amazing story of Tim Ballard is hitting the big screen with the title The Sounds of Freedom.  Film producers praise Tony Robbins and his goal to continue in aiding the rescue of children and women from the clutches of the world of sexual exploitation. The film is hits theaters this year.

Sex Trafficking Continued Promotion

The good news network worked to promote the party and ensure a large number of tickets were available. Tony’s birthday was far more than a simple celebration for a good cause.  Thousands of people around the world are hearing about the cause and donating what they can.  Donations are being accepted at ourrescue.org. Whether you are a fan of Tony Robbins or just interested in donating to a great cause, this is an excellent way to end suffering for a few in our world.

From the organizers of this event:

“Even greater than lives Changed, are lives Saved. What better way to celebrate a man who has given so much to this mission than to join him in saving more lives. As stated above, all net proceeds from the concert will benefit Operation Underground Railroad, one of Tony’s most passionate causes. Tony & Sage have personally contributed towards the rescue and aftercare services for thousands of women and children to date. Their contributions have also helped fund the arrests of over 1,500 traffickers. Help us save 10,000 more lives!”

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